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Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to turn off autoplay to your computer ?

What is autoplay?

Autoplay means when you start your computer and give a CD/DVD to your computer CD-Room then automatically start your movie or drama or when you give a pen drive to your pc then your pen drive is automatically open. This is called is autoplay.

How to enable autoplay?

Firstly you click start program and go to run option and write gpedit.msc and then click ok button.

After click ok button you see this interface.

Just you click system option then you see this interface.

After click system option you search turn of autoplay. When you find this article just 2 clicks this article. After click you see this interface.

Just you will setting enabled and all drives then click apply and ok.

Tags: Computer tips, turn off autoplay, autoplay, autorun, tips and topics of computer, computer skill 

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