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PHP Tutorial

I have give some php tutorial video for learning about php. So, Everybody watch my tutorial one by one and learn how to work with php.

01. PHP Tutorial - Introduction Of PHP.
02. PHP Tutorial - NAMP Installation.
03. PHP Tutorial - What Is Variables?
04. Php Tutorial - Displaying Errors.
05. Php Tutorial - Arrays-Part-1.
06. Php Tutorial - Arrays-Part-2.
07. Php Tutorial - Conditionals Function.
08. Php Tutorial - Loops Function.
09. Php Tutorial - Testing Scripts.
10. Php Tutorial - How to Includes php in html?
11. Php Tutorial - How to use print function of php?
12. Php Tutorial - How to use Decoding Functions and Scope of php?
13. Php Tutorial - Objects At A Low Level of php.
14. Php Tutorial - Why use Heredocs of php?
15. Php Tutorial - How to use "$_GET" function of php?
16. How to use "$_POST" function of php?
17. How to use "Sessions" function of php?
18. Php Tutorial - Sessions Refactoring.
19. Php Tutorial - How to use Cookies function of php?
20. Php Tutorial - Creating A Counter of php.
21. Php Tutorial - Manipulating File names of php.
22. Php Tutorial - Manipulating Filenames Homework Solutions.
23. Php Tutorial - Hands On Email-Registration Part-1.
24. Php Tutorial - Hands On Email Registration Part-2.
25. Php Tutorial - Hello MySQL.
26. PHP Tutorial - Inserting-Selecting And Deleting.
27. PHP Tutorial - Updating Rows and Columns.
28. Php Tutorial - Joining Tables of php.
29. Php Tutorial - GUI Apps of php.
30. Php Tutorial - Anti Pattern MySQL API.
31. Php Tutorial - Connecting to Databases With PDO.
32. Php Tutorial - The Query Method.
33. Php Tutorial - Prepared Statements of php.
34. Php Tutorial - PDO Helper Functions of php.
35. Php Tutorial - Namespaces of php.
36. Php Tutorial - The Obligatory Blog Part-1.
37. Php Tutorial - The Obligatory Blog Part-2.
38. Php Tutorial - The Obligatory Blog Part-3.
39. PHP Tutorial - The Obligatory Blog Part-4.
40. Php Tutorial - How to Protecting the Admin Folder with php?
41. Php Tutorial - Composer and Active Record.
42. Php Tutorial - Classes And Houses.
43. Php Tutorial - Grouping Related Properies And Methods.
44. Php Tutorial - HTML Utility Class of php.
45. Php Tutorial - How to use File-Class?

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